Yesterday I received my MBA degree from the University of Chicago. I'm still trying to digest everything, but I know that the feeling of elation is here to stay for a while. Although I feel that my undergrad experience was more of a struggle than my grad experience, the MBA has been the more transformational affair. I feel like I actually understand how the world works a little better now. Whereas my engineering helped me think technically and dissect every detail of a problem, the MBA has given me a macro level view of the engine that moves the world. I feel a little like Neo in the Matrix - I'm seeing the Code behind the Program for the first time.
The ceremony was cool and held in the historic Harper quad on campus. U of C is one of the few places where the President of the university personally confers degrees to all candidates, which means that undergrad, Law, Med, Business (etc.) students all graduate on different days so that the president can make it to each ceremony. Still, nothing beat the hugs from family afterwards, in whose embraces I could feel my wife's patience in standing by me these two years, and my parents' pride in seeing their sacrifices bear fruit. There must have been a ton of sand flying around while I was hugging everyone, because I kept feeling this strange moisture in my eyes...
Our business school building was all prettied up afterwards for a reception, and it was fun lazing around outside, watching my colleagues with permanent smiles pasted on their faces as they hung out with their families. The food was great, and I even got some nice pictures with my friends one last time.
I don't know which way everyone will scatter, but I do know that I've come into contact with brilliant minds whose successes I will be reading about in the years to come. To be associated with them, and this institution, has been the highest honor, and I can only hope that I ably do my part to further the reputation of the Chicago GSB.
Congratulations! I am very happy for you.
ReplyDeleteCon-guh-rats FRK! Speak to you soon?